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Made in Italy
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About us

The stories I come across every day are some of the most beautiful and exciting aspects of my work. Stories of courageous entrepreneurs, of creativity, of the quest for innovation, and often of resilience.

The most natural thing for me was to search for them and then share these stories with those who follow me. I started doing it on my LinkedIn account without thinking they would be so successful.
Instead, I realised that giving visibility to Made in Italy’s creativity, courageous choices, talent, and inventiveness could have inspired many people. That is how I came up with the idea of creating a project where these stories could be brought to life and made available to those who want to learn more about them.

We need optimism, we need courage, and we need to know that our dreams are achievable more often than we think. Ant that it is always worth trying. The entrepreneurs I talk about are there to prove it every day. The project wants to shed light on a side of our country that we often forget and which is, instead, the one we need to look at.

Roberto Santori

Made in Italy
CEO of Challenge Network