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Almo Nature – Made inn Italy

Almo Nature, a company supporting biodiversity

The founders of Almo Nature made a courageous choice by donating the company to the foundation they created, thus transforming it into an engine for the common good, aiming to promote projects in favour of biodiversity.

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Profit in the service of the common good is what distinguishes Almo Nature Benefit S.p.A. from the other Made in Italy companies. This is made possible because, since 2018, the Fondazione Capellino has owned the company through an irreversible deed of gift. The Foundation works on projects to protect biodiversity. Thanks to an innovative economic model based on solidarity capitalism and the reintegration economy, all profits generated by Almo Nature finance the Foundation’s projects and activities.

Origins and the HFC standard

But let us take a step back. The story of Almo Nature began in 2000 from Pier Giovanni Capellino’s, born in 1954, idea of producing for the first time in the world wet pet food with 100% HFC ingredients, i.e., of a quality originally suitable for human consumption. Over the years, dry food will also be able to boast the same quality level, and the first completely vegetable cat litter will be introduced to the market.

The Foundation and a new business model

The turning point came in 2018 when the Capellino Foundation was founded, and the Internal Revenue Service acknowledged a solidarity-based economic model entirely new for our country, in which the company’s profits and its own property can be donated to a cause, in this case, biodiversity protection.

This model, called Reintegration Economy, consists of reintegrating the added value created by economic activities back into nature. ‘A tool at the disposal of animals, biodiversity and those who share the idea that a new pact of humans with all other life is necessary,’ says Capellino in an interview with Fanpage.

All profits for nature

From 2018 to date, the Foundation has received around EUR 32 million, which is invested in biodiversity projects, in addition to an almost equivalent amount set aside as an extraordinary reserve always available.

The Capellino Foundation is involved in many projects, including the conservation and restoration of natural habitats, climate change, regenerative agriculture, the impact of human activities on biodiversity, and the restoration of historic buildings.

On the Foundation’s website, you can find all the ongoing and completed projects, from planting trees such as plane trees to supporting CRAS, to name but two.

Headquartered in Genoa, Almo Nature has subsidiaries in Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Canada and the United States of America and sells its products worldwide.

Congratulations to those who invest in protecting animals and Biodiversity and take Italy to the world!